Oge ụbọchị n’asụsụ Igbo – Times of Day in Igbo Language

Gịnị bụ oge na Igbo? Mụta ka esi ekwu oge ụbọchị n’asụsụ Igbo ebe a:



Time Oge
Clock Oge (or Elekere)
Second Timtim
Minute Nkeji
Hour Elekere (or Awa)


Times of Day

Morning Ututu
Afternoon Ehihie
Night Abani (or Abali)


How to tell time                               Ka e si amata oge:

Look at a Clock, it has two hand Lee klọkụ a, o nwere aka abụọ
It has long hand and short hand. Aka ogologo na aka mkpirisi
Long hand shows minute Aka ogologo na-egosị nkeji
Short hand shows hour Aka mkpirisi na-egosị elekere
It has 60 minutes in hour E nwere nkeji iri isii n’ otu elekere
It has 24 hours in a day E nwere ekelere iri abụọ na anọ n’otu ụbọchi


Gee nti n’ihe onyenkụzi gi ga-agu

Emeka, Ifeanyi na Uchenna nwere nzukọ n’elekere atọ nke ehihie.
Emeka biaruru n’ebe nzukọ mgbe ọ fọrọ nkeji iri ka ọ kuọ elekere atọ.
Ọ bịara n’oge.

Ifeanyi bịara mgbe o ji nkeji iri gafee elekere atọ. Ọ biaghi n’oge.
Uchenna bịaruru n’elekere ato kpọmkwem. Ọ dị mma ịbịa nzukọ n’oge.

Listen to what your teacher read

Emeka, Ifeanyi and Uchenna has a meeting at 3:00pm in the afternoon.
Emeka came 10 minutes before 3:00pm. He came on time.

Ifeanyi came 10 minutes past 3:00pm. He didn’t came on time.
Uchenna came late. It is good to come to meeting on time.


Site n’ikike teachyourselfigbo.com

Jiri obiọma kesaa

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